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Troy Gochenour

I came here to NYC to pursue showbusiness because I did not want to go to my grave wondering what if. Not many people get a chance to follow their dreams; fewer still take that chance when it is presented. After graduating The Ohio State University with a degree in political science I got back into theatre in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. I saw a tear-off form for The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA). I auditioned and got accepted into their musical theatre program. I started in 2008 and finished the program in 2009. Since, then I've done some Off Off Broadway shows, and premiered the role of Mycroft Holmes for the first east coast performance of a comedic telling of Sherlock Holmes. Now, I'm venturing into commercials with a national cable spot and one running nationally in Europe. I'm also getting into film with a leading role in an independent film and consideration for two others to my credit. I was in the military so I understand weapons and tactics and I'm currently studying mixed martial arts. I owe much of this to my great instructor Alex Dwek and wonderful manager Ingrid French

Latifa Ali

From small city called Chester PA Age23 EyeColor brown Height5'4 Weight 144 Been Acting Since The age of 5. Very versatile and sensitive about her work I enjoy horror drama comedy & true based movies... My acting coach is Alexander Dwek at AD Studio NYC. We learn scene studies, monologue and improv and mostly Physical Life. My idols Angelina Jolie Gabriel union Jennifer Anniston Reese Witherspoon Angela Bassett & Cameron Diaz etc enjoys dance & singing. My MGT. is zaneeme in NYC

Omar Kelly

Omar is a young gifted actor and drummer. He is credited in commercials, film, television, internet, industrials, and print modeling. Omar also enjoys comedy, video gaming, beatboxing, rapping, Tae Kwondo, soccer and hip-hop. He is currently training to become one of the world’s best actors.

Aidan Yuille

 a lot of footage of classical film on YouTube and turner classic movies. Im very great in poetry.


Nick King

Nick King is an actor, voice over artist, and comedy improviser.Trained in the Meisner Technique with Matthew Corozine, Scene Study withAlex Dwek, and Comedy Improvisation at the Upright Citizens Brigade, Nickhas been featured in network television, independent films, and popular webseries'. When he's not acting, Nick is probably writing poetry, takingphotos, playing sports, or telling his girlfriend he loves her.

Chris Jiminez

At an early age, Christopher Jimenez showed an immense interest and passion in the arts, through which he garnered a knack for the acting world. Having grown up in both Las Vegas as well as in New York city, Christopher was exposed to various shows and entertainment events, inspiring him to attend numerous acting classes with my coach Alexander Dwek who teaches Physical Life, intense scene study going with to auditions when he's available and speech classes through which he was able to groom and spruce up his acting skills. TM Talent later facilitated his entry into the acting world, by connecting Christopher with commercial and print auditions he desired and really allowed him to narrow down his field of interest. Christopher enjoys modeling quite a bit as well, but his true interest lies within the acting industry. Having graduated high school a year early, Christopher has had the privilege to attend college at the tender age of 16, which gives him the needed flexibility to fulfill the demands of ongoing auditions.

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